My name is Emily Reiss. I’m excited to bring my experience in sustainable crop management and research to a wider audience, providing consulting services to farmers, non-profits, food companies, and researchers.
Previously, I was part of the Crop Team at Kreher Family Farm, for over three years helping to manage nearly 6,000 acres of organic farmland. I provided technical support including pest and fertility management, as well as certification management (i.e. USDA organic and Global GAP). We produced feed grains for the organic egg farm as well as fresh green beans, peas, and red table beets for local processing.
I graduated from Cornell University with my PhD from the field of horticulture working with Dr. Laurie Drinkwater. My field research focused on the use of diversity in cover crops to provide ecosystem services that allow farmers to reduce the need for herbicides and fertilizer, along with building the health of the soil. As a graduate student I loved teaching and outreach, through field days and undergraduate classes. When I’m not working, I enjoy spending time with my family, cross country skiing, gardening, and cooking good food to share with friends.