While I find myself teaching in many places other than the classroom (guiding an undergraduate research assistant in the lab, or leading a field day presentation for farmers), here I present a picture of my classroom teaching goals, preparations and experiences. My teaching philosophy statement summarizes my approach to teaching, which I demonstrate more completely through this portfolio. Going forward I will use this portfolio to help me revise my teaching philosophy statement.
I also plan to use this portfolio as a guide before I teach. By using the categories below reflecting the stages and skills of teaching, I can refer to categories logically as I need them. For example, when I have to plan a new course, I will go to my teaching plans and syllabi in the “Planning for teaching” section. I also imagine I might put some specific learning outcomes I think are important in that section, which will make it easier to incorporate them into my teaching in the future. It is in this way that I see this as a repository of resources for myself primarily, and also as a way to selectively share a curated set of artifacts for others to evaluate my teaching.
It is through these teaching skills and reflection that I ultimately I hope to create a classroom where students feel engaged with the material, their classmates and me as the instructor. Through this engagement they are able to more deeply integrate the content with their own experiences. With this understanding, they can successfully apply what they have learned to critical, real-world issues, preparing them for life after graduation.
Planning for teaching | Creating effective learning experiences | Assessing student learning | Professional Development